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Watch 5 Stocks: NQ Mobile Inc. (NYSE:NQ), GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME), Finish Line Inc. (NASDAQ:FINL), Wipro (NYSE:WIT), CIM Commercial Trust Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCT) - Property Mentor Group

Watch 5 Stocks: NQ Mobile Inc. (NYSE:NQ), GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME), Finish Line Inc. (NASDAQ:FINL), Wipro (NYSE:WIT), CIM Commercial Trust Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCT)

NQ Mobile Inc. (NYSE:NQ) soared more than 28 percent after the company unveiled an $80 million buyback to be paid for using existing cash. Shares of the company had been under heavy pressure since last week when the company released disappointing results and said it will sell its FL Mobile unit in a stock deal valued between $570 million and $630 million. NQ Mobile Inc. (NYSE:NQ) in last trading activity moved down -7.69% to close at $4.32. Company weekly performance is -11.11% while its quarterly performance stands at -29.41%. NQ Mobile Inc. (NYSE:NQ) is -80.65% away from its 52 week high.

GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) is also now offering purchase for Lords of the Fallen for $40 across Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Similar to the Advanced Warfare deal, the discount doesn’t count to the PC edition of the Dark Souls-esque role-playing game. On last trading day GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) moved down -3.58% to close at $33.39. Its volatility for the week is 4.93% while volatility for the month is 4.29%. GME’s sales growth for past 5 years was 0.50% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 4.70%. GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME) monthly performance is -11.57%.

Finish Line Inc. (NASDAQ:FINL) reported a third quarter non-GAAP loss of $0.02 per share Friday morning, down from the profit of $0.06 per share in the previous year. Analysts expected a profit of $0.01 per share. On last trading day Finish Line Inc. (NASDAQ:FINL) increased 0.75% to close at $22.79. Its volatility for the week is 4.07% while volatility for the month is 3.06%. FINL’s sales growth for past 5 years was 6.90% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 23.20%. Finish Line Inc. (NASDAQ:FINL) monthly performance is -19.67%.

On December 19, The Administrative Committee of Wipro Ltd (NYSE:WIT)’s Board of Directors vide Circular Resolution effective date December 17, 2014, resolved to issue and allot 44539 equity shares of Rs. 2/- each pursuant to exercise of the stock options by the eligible employees under Restricted Stock Unit Plan 2005 and Restricted Stock Unit Plan 2007. Wipro Ltd. (NYSE:WIT) institutional ownership stands at 2.00%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $11.81.

CIM Commercial Trust Corp (NASDAQ:CMCT) announced a quarterly dividend on Tuesday, December 9th, ARN reports. Investors of record will be paid a dividend of 0.2188 per share on Monday, December 29th. This represents a $0.88 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 4.92%. On Wednesday shares of CIM Commercial Trust Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCT) closed at $16.00. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was -5.00%.

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