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Today’s Watch List: Digital Ally Inc. (NASDAQ:DGLY), BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP), KCAP Financial (NASDAQ:KCAP), Marvell Technology Group (NASDAQ:MRVL), Harmonic Inc. (NASDAQ:HLIT) - Property Mentor Group

Today’s Watch List: Digital Ally Inc. (NASDAQ:DGLY), BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP), KCAP Financial (NASDAQ:KCAP), Marvell Technology Group (NASDAQ:MRVL), Harmonic Inc. (NASDAQ:HLIT)

On Thursday shares of Digital Ally Inc. (NASDAQ:DGLY) closed at $15.77. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was -8.00%. On 3 April, Digital Ally Inc. (NASDAQ:DGLY) said that, The PGA TOUR and the Kansas City Crusaders, the host organization of the Tour’s Kansas City-area event, announced at a press conference a five-year agreement naming Digital Ally, Inc. (NASDAQ: DGLY) the tournament’s new title sponsor, effective immediately and running through 2019.

BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) in last trading activity increased 1.42% to close at $41.35. Company weekly performance is 4.68% while its quarterly performance stands at 16.81%. BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) is -19.42% away from its 52 week high. On 31 March, BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP) said that, it terminated contracts for two deepwater oil drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico as the British oil company slashes its exploration budget due to fallen oil prices.

On last trading day KCAP Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ:KCAP) moved up 3.06% to close at $5.73. Its volatility for the week is 5.65% while volatility for the month is 3.73%. KCAP’s sales growth for past 5 years was -0.40% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 16.80%. KCAP Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ:KCAP) monthly performance is -20.75%. On 31 March, KCAP Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ:KCAP) announced that Catamaran CLO 2015-1 Ltd., a $463.8 million Collateralized Loan Obligation (“CLO”) fund has priced. Trimaran Advisors Management, L.L.C., a wholly owned portfolio company of KCAP, will serve as the investment manager for the CLO and KCAP will invest approximately $12 million across certain junior tranches of notes issued by the fund.

Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL) has 21.39% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 74.90%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $15.38. Equities research analysts at Cowen and Company assumed coverage on shares of Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL) in a research note issued to investors on Thursday. The firm set an “outperform” rating and a $20.00 price target on the stock. Cowen and Company’s price target suggests a potential upside of 33.33% from the stock’s previous close.

On last trading day Harmonic Inc. (NASDAQ:HLIT) moved up 0.20% to close at $7.39. Its volatility for the week is 1.95% while volatility for the month is 2.17%. HLIT’s sales growth for past 5 years was 6.30% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -14.90%. Harmonic Inc. (NASDAQ:HLIT) monthly performance is -0.07%.On 1 April, Harmonic Inc. (NASDAQ:HLIT) announced that TV Centro América, a TV Globo affiliate based in Cuiabá, Brazil, has deployed an end-to-end contribution, satellite distribution and reception solution from Harmonic to power its new free-to-air multiscreen service. SDB Comercial, Harmonic’s local distribution partner, supplied the innovative solution in addition to professional services and support.

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