Tech movers: Himax Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIMX), SouFun Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN), Gogo Inc (NASDAQ:GOGO), MeetMe Inc (NASDAQ:MEET)
Himax Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIMX)‘s stock had its “buy” rating restated by investment analysts at Topeka Capital Markets in a note issued to investors on Friday. Shares of Himax Technologies, Inc. (ADR) (NASDAQ:HIMX)closed at 7.82 in last trading session. Yesterday share price of the company was traded in the range of 7.31 – 7.94. Company now…
Top Losers: Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR), ISIS Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ISIS), SouFun Holdings Ltd (NYSE:SFUN), Willis Group Holdings PLC (NYSE:WSH)
Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR)’s slowing user growth has revived concerns about the microblogging service’s prospects of one day matching Facebook Inc’s 1.2 billion users, prompting at least 16 analysts to cut their target price on the stock. Shares of Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) closed at $38.97 in last trading session. Yesterday share price of the company was…
Chinese Stocks Cheers on Government Act To Boost Growth: Qihoo 360 Technology, Sohu, Google, Baidu, SouFun, Lightinthebox, NQ Mobile, TAL Education , Vipshop, Renren, Youku Tudou
Chinese stocks jumped for a seventh day in New York, the best ever stretch of gains since October, and amid speculation, the government will act to bolster growth. Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd (NYSE:QIHU) declared on Wednesday that CEO and founder Zhou Hongyi made the comments at Stanford University as part of an informal lecture…