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Stocks Gaining Momentum: Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX), KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY), Ellomay Capital (NYSEMKT:ELLO), Marvell Technology Group (NASDAQ:MRVL), Teekay LNG Partners (NYSE:TGP) - Property Mentor Group

Stocks Gaining Momentum: Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX), KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY), Ellomay Capital (NYSEMKT:ELLO), Marvell Technology Group (NASDAQ:MRVL), Teekay LNG Partners (NYSE:TGP)

Boston Scientific Corp. (NYSE:BSX) EVP Michael P. Phalen sold 27,589 shares of Boston Scientific stock on the open market in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, January 8th. The stock was sold at an average price of $14.31, for a total value of $394,798.59. Following the transaction, the executive vice president now directly owns 118,645 shares in the company, valued at approximately $1,697,809.95. On Tuesday shares of Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE:BSX) closed at $14.50. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was -2.40% and EPS growth for next 5 years is recorded as 10.70%.

KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY) is expected to report earnings per share of $1.02 for the current fiscal year, as per consensus of analysts. KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY) reported last earnings figures on October 15th. The company announced actual earnings per share of $0.23 against the consensus Street estimate of $0.26. KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY) in last trading activity fell -1.24% to close at $12.70. Company weekly performance is -2.53% while its quarterly performance stands at -0.08%. KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY) is -12.32% away from its 52 week high.

Ellomay Capital Ltd. (NYSE MKT: ELLO; TASE: ELOM) (“Ellomay” or the “Company”), an emerging operator in the renewable energy and energy infrastructure sector, on 6 January 2015 announced it will host a corporate update call to discuss the three and nine months results for the period ended September 30, 2014 on Wednesday, January 14, 2015. On last trading day Ellomay Capital Ltd. (NYSEMKT:ELLO) advanced 0.50% to close at $9.25. Its volatility for the week is 3.57% while volatility for the month is 2.30%. ELLO’s sales growth for past 5 years was 2.70% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -37.80%. Ellomay Capital Ltd. (NYSEMKT:ELLO) monthly performance is -4.68%.

Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL)‘s stock had its “hold” rating restated by equities research analysts at FBR Capital Markets in a research note issued to investors on Monday. Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:MRVL) has 21.39% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 67.80%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $15.71.

Zacks downgraded shares of Teekay LNG Partners L.P. (NYSE:TGP) to a neutral rating in a report issued on Friday, 2 January 2015. On last trading day Teekay LNG Partners LP. (NYSE:TGP) fell -3.56% to close at $39.32. Its volatility for the week is 4.46% while volatility for the month is 4.56%. TGP’s sales growth for past 5 years was 4.90% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 73.00%. Teekay LNG Partners LP. (NYSE:TGP) monthly performance is 0.49%.

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