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Stocks Buzz: Tucows Inc. (NASDAQ:TCX), Cytokinetics, Incorporated (NASDAQ:CYTK), ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (NASDAQ:IMOS), Rocky Brands (NASDAQ:RCKY), General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) - Property Mentor Group

Stocks Buzz: Tucows Inc. (NASDAQ:TCX), Cytokinetics, Incorporated (NASDAQ:CYTK), ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (NASDAQ:IMOS), Rocky Brands (NASDAQ:RCKY), General Electric Company (NYSE:GE)

Tucows Inc. (NYSE:TCX) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, November 12th. The company reported $0.24 EPS for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.22 by $0.02. The company had revenue of $38.90 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $37.60 million. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 9.1% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Tucows will post $0.63 earnings per share for the current fiscal year. Tucows Inc. (NASDAQ:TCX) in last trading activity fell -1.80% to close at $19.06. Company weekly performance is 0.79% while its quarterly performance stands at 27.66%. Tucows Inc. (NASDAQ:TCX) is -2.90% away from its 52 week high.

Astellas Pharma Inc. and Cytokinetics, Incorporated (NASDAQ:CYTK) declared a correction to their partnership contract focused on the research, commercialization and development of skeletal muscle activators. The firms have been mutually leading research and development activities with the objective to advance novel skeletal sarcomere targeted treatments for diseases and medical conditions related with muscle weakness in non-neuromuscular symptoms. On last trading day Cytokinetics, Incorporated (NASDAQ:CYTK) fell -7.99% to close at $7.37. Its volatility for the week is 11.42% while volatility for the month is 7.04%. CYTK’s sales growth for past 5 years was 19.80% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 29.00%. Cytokinetics, Incorporated (NASDAQ:CYTK) monthly performance is 59.52%.

ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (Bermuda) LTD. (NASDAQ:IMOS), an industry leading provider of outsourced semiconductor assembly and test services (“OSAT”), on 30 December 2014 announced that the required greater than 50% of shareholders of both ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES INC. (“ChipMOS Taiwan”) and ThaiLin Semiconductor Corp. (“ThaiLin”) have voted in person or by proxy to approve the proposed merger of the two ChipMOS’ subsidiaries (the “Merger”). The respective special general meetings were held on December 30, 2014. ChipMOS Technologies (Bermuda) Ltd (NASDAQ:IMOS) has 25.03% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 58.50%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $23.79.

Zacks upgraded shares of Rocky Brands Inc (NASDAQ:RCKY) from an underperform rating to a neutral rating. On Friday shares of Rocky Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:RCKY) closed at $13.60. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was -1.20% and EPS growth for next 5 years is recorded as 10.00%.

A federal judge in Wisconsin has ruled against General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) retirees who had tried to force the company from getting rid of Medicare insurance coverage for its retirees. U.S. District Court Judge Lynn Adelman wrote in a Dec. 30 opinion to deny an injunction against GE that retirees were “unlikely to succeed” in their case and that forcing GE to reinstate the health insurance coverage would be “burdensome and confusing” and would likely result in higher premiums or denied coverage for retirees who had recently purchased new medical coverage. General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) in last trading activity decreased -0.83% to close at $25.06. Company weekly performance is -2.98% while its quarterly performance stands at 0.68%. General Electric Company (NYSE:GE) is -7.13% away from its 52 week high.

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