Flextronics International (NASDAQ:FLEX) CAO David P. Bennett unloaded 18,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, December 2nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $11.17, for a total value of $201,060.00. Following the sale, the chief accounting officer now directly owns 95,650 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $1,068,411. Flextronics International Ltd. (NASDAQ:FLEX) in last trading activity moved up 0.62% to close at $11.32. Company weekly performance is 3.38% while its quarterly performance stands at 7.71%. Flextronics International Ltd. (NASDAQ:FLEX) is -4.31% away from its 52 week high.
Global Hunter Securities upgraded shares of Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE) from a neutral rating to an accumulate rating in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, TheFlyOnTheWall.com reports. On last trading day Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE) moved up 1.64% to close at $17.33. Its volatility for the week is 6.79% while volatility for the month is 5.83%. NE’s sales growth for past 5 years was 4.20% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -12.10%. Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE) monthly performance is -16.52%.
On last trading day Dover Downs Gaming & Entertainment Inc. (NYSE:DDE) moved up 2.30% to close at $0.89. Its volatility for the week is 7.76% while volatility for the month is 11.35%. DDE’s sales growth for past 5 years was -3.80% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -14.90%. Dover Downs Gaming & Entertainment Inc. (NYSE:DDE) monthly performance is 21.92%.
On December 23, 2014, Roberto Olivo resigned from his position as Executive Director of Operations and Supply of Fuel Systems Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ:FSYS), effective December 31, 2014 (the “Separation Date”). Fuel Systems Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ:FSYS) has 29.61% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 50.40%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $11.51.
Tandem Diabetes Care (NASDAQ:TNDM) Director Dick Allen purchased 10,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Friday, December 12th. The stock was purchased at an average cost of $11.95 per share, for a total transaction of $119,500.00. On Friday shares of Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNDM) closed at $12.83. Company’s EPS growth for next 5 years is recorded as 38.90%.