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Moving Stocks: Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN), KMG Chemicals Inc. (NYSE:KMG), Lannett Company (NYSE:LCI), STR Holdings (NYSE:STRI), Constant Contact (NASDAQ:CTCT) - Property Mentor Group

Moving Stocks: Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN), KMG Chemicals Inc. (NYSE:KMG), Lannett Company (NYSE:LCI), STR Holdings (NYSE:STRI), Constant Contact (NASDAQ:CTCT)

Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest during the month of November. As of November 28th, there was short interest totalling 29,004,130 shares, an increase of 4.7% from the November 14th total of 27,713,478 shares, Stock Ratings reports. Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN) in last trading activity moved down -8.02% to close at $2.98. Company weekly performance is -21.16% while its quarterly performance stands at 27.35%. Geron Corporation (NASDAQ:GERN) is -46.72% away from its 52 week high.

KMG Chemicals Inc. (NYSE:KMG) on 10 December announced Consolidated net sales were $90.8 million, a 3% decrease from last year’s first quarter. Sales declined due to lower creosote volume in the Wood Treating Chemicals segment. On last trading day KMG Chemicals Inc. (NYSE:KMG) moved up 8.77% to close at $19.35. Its volatility for the week is 4.90% while volatility for the month is 3.33%. KMG’s sales growth for past 5 years was 13.10% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -16.00%. KMG Chemicals Inc. (NYSE:KMG) monthly performance is -0.10%.

Lannett Company (NYSE:LCI) CFO Martin P. Galvan acquired 1,000 shares of the company’s stock on the open market in a transaction dated Wednesday, December 10th. The stock was purchased at an average price of $42.40 per share, with a total value of $42,400.00. Following the purchase, the chief financial officer now directly owns 32,499 shares in the company, valued at approximately $1,377,958.On last trading day Lannett Company, Inc. (NYSE:LCI) moved up 1.08% to close at $44.05. Its volatility for the week is 5.66% while volatility for the month is 4.89%. LCI’s sales growth for past 5 years was 18.10% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 43.10%. Lannett Company, Inc. (NYSE:LCI) monthly performance is -8.76%.

STR Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:STRI) announced that it sold approximately 27.6 million newly issued shares of common stock, representing a 51% interest in STR, for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $21.7 million to Zhen Fa New Energy (U.S.) Co., Ltd. (“Zhenfa”). STR Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:STRI) has 7.30% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 40.90%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $1.21.

Constant Contact (NASDAQ:CTCT) SVP Robert P. Nault sold 6,000 shares of the company’s stock on the open market in a transaction dated Wednesday, December 10th. The stock was sold at an average price of $35.20, for a total transaction of $211,200.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the senior vice president now directly owns 7,433 shares in the company, valued at approximately $261,642. On Monday shares of Constant Contact, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTCT) closed at $33.00. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was 26.70% and EPS growth for next 5 years is recorded as 22.50%.

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