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Big Movers: KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY), Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL), Mueller Water Products (NYSE:MWA), American Equity Investment Life (NYSE:AEL), Compass Minerals International (NYSE:CMP) - Property Mentor Group

Big Movers: KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY), Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL), Mueller Water Products (NYSE:MWA), American Equity Investment Life (NYSE:AEL), Compass Minerals International (NYSE:CMP)

KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY) has been given a “BBB+” credit rating by Morningstar. The research firm’s “BBB+” rating indicates that the company is a moderate default risk. They also gave their stock a two star rating. KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY) in last trading activity fell -1.42% to close at $13.90. Company weekly performance is -1.14% while its quarterly performance stands at 5.95%. KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY) is -4.04% away from its 52 week high.

Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL), a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) modules, solutions and services, announced that its State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology has set a new world record for power output from a high efficiency multi-crystalline silicon PV module. On last trading day Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL) increased 8.56% to close at $9.26. Its volatility for the week is 4.79% while volatility for the month is 5.51%. TSL’s sales growth for past 5 years was 16.40% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -23.20%. Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL) monthly performance is -1.17%.

Mueller Water Products Inc. (NYSE:MWA) is pouring out the rewards to its top management after a year that saw a rising surge of profits and healthy earnings per share. Atlanta, Ga.-based Mueller, with significant factory and foundry operations in Decatur, is a national leader in the manufacturing of everything from fire hydrants to brass valves and other products for controlling the flow and drainage of water. Mueller Water Products, Inc. (NYSE:MWA) has 0.80% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 88.90%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $10.24.

American Equity Investment Life Holding (NYSE:AEL) VP Debra J. Richardson sold 1,000 shares of American Equity Investment Life Holding stock on the open market in a transaction dated Tuesday, December 23rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $28.65, for a total value of $28,650.00. Following the sale, the vice president now directly owns 224,798 shares in the company, valued at approximately $6,440,463. On Wednesday shares of American Equity Investment Life Holding Co. (NYSE:AEL) closed at $29.19. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was 50.50% and EPS growth for next 5 years is recorded as 10.00%.

Compass Minerals International (NYSE:CMP) was upgraded by investment analysts at KeyCorp from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a note issued to investors on Monday, 15 December 2014. On last trading day Compass Minerals International Inc. (NYSE:CMP) fell -0.92% to close at $86.83. Its volatility for the week is 1.29% while volatility for the month is 1.58%. CMP’s sales growth for past 5 years was -0.70% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -4.20%. Compass Minerals International Inc. (NYSE:CMP) monthly performance is 1.88%.

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