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5 Active Stocks: Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE), AT&T (NYSE:T), Kulicke and Soffa Industries (NASDAQ:KLIC), SEI Investments (NASDAQ:SEIC), Edison International (NYSE:EIX) - Property Mentor Group

5 Active Stocks: Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE), AT&T (NYSE:T), Kulicke and Soffa Industries (NASDAQ:KLIC), SEI Investments (NASDAQ:SEIC), Edison International (NYSE:EIX)

Citigroup Inc. cut shares of Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE) from a buy rating to a neutral rating in a research report sent to investors on Thursday morning. On Wednesday shares of Noble Corp plc (NYSE:NE) closed at $15.91. Company’s sales growth for last 5 years was 4.20%.

AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) and Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ), which have so far enjoyed high margins and followed a rather premium pricing strategy, are now feeling the headwinds as smaller carriers T-Mobile US Inc (NYSE:TMUS) and Sprint Corporation (NYSE:S) are stepping up their game. Fearing a loss of subscribers, the two telecom giants have also been launching various promotions; but that has been weighing in on their wireless margins. Moreover, their churn rates continue to rise despite the promotions. AT&T, Inc. (NYSE:T) in last trading activity moved down -0.48% to close at $33.33. Company weekly performance is 0.48% while its quarterly performance stands at -0.12%. AT&T, Inc. (NYSE:T) is -8.63% away from its 52 week high.

Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:KLIC) (“Kulicke & Soffa”, “K&S” or the “Company”) announced it has finalized the transaction to acquire a 100% equity stake of privately held Assembl’eon B.V. (Assembl’eon). The all-cash transaction, valued at approximately $98 million, closed on January 9, 2015. On last trading day Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:KLIC) moved down -0.70% to close at $14.17. Its volatility for the week is 3.46% while volatility for the month is 2.69%. KLIC’s sales growth for past 5 years was 20.40% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was 22.80%. Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:KLIC) monthly performance is 2.83%.

SEI Investments Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Co. (NASDAQ:SEIC) said that unitholders of its Canada-based Growth 70/30 Fund and Global Growth 100 Fund have approved changes to the two funds’ investment objectives. SEI Investments Co. (NASDAQ:SEIC) has 9.60% insider ownership while its institutional ownership stands at 67.90%. In last trading activity company’s stock closed at $39.58.

Evercore Partners Inc. restated their hold rating on shares of Edison International (NYSE:EIX) in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday. The firm currently has a $67.00 price target on the stock, up from their previous price target of $59.00. On last trading day Edison International (NYSE:EIX) advanced 1.53% to close at $67.52. Its volatility for the week is 2.01% while volatility for the month is 1.94%. EIX’s sales growth for past 5 years was -2.30% and its EPS growth for past 5 years was -6.20%. Edison International (NYSE:EIX) monthly performance is 6.16%.

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